break free from the rules

build the life you always wanted to, not the one you were told you should

You always knew that you wanted something different

Maybe you’ve been living that #hustle life for years, girlbossing your life away because that’s what you were told you should do. But its never felt quite like you. I would be willing to bet that…

😱 You look at your calendar and don’t see any space for you or anything that brings you joy

😱 Your identity is tied up in the work you produce, and if you take time to rest you feel guilty

😱 You feel like you are constantly running on fumes and never have the time to slow down

😱 You dream of a week to yourself but have no idea what you would even do with that time

What if I told you that it didn’t have to be that way?


imagine a life filled with spaciousness and joy

I want you to try and picture a life where you are operating from the overflow (not the dregs) of your energetic cup, and you’ve built a life that feels so spacious and easy and joyful

😍 Your calendar is full of things that light you up from the inside out

😍 You can do the things that bring you joy without feeling guilty

😍 You feel your worth comes from who you are, not what you produce

let’s breathe fresh air into your life

1:1 Coaching to support you in moving confidently in the direction of your joy

Here’s what’s included

✨ 1:1 Coaching calls where we deep dive ✨

✨ Made-for-you resources to support you on your journey ✨

✨ Private Telegram channel for daily support ✨

here’s how it works:

We’ll have our first 1:1 coaching call: This is where we’ll begin our journey together, and begin the process of deep diving into where you are, where you want to go, and how we can make that journey in a way that feels good

You’ll get access to Telegram: This will be our private (and primary) method of communicating where you can word vomit everything that is coming up as you are breaking free from your old ways of operating and I can support you in the moment

For the three months we are working together I will be your partner in crime, your wingman, your emotional support cheerleader. We’ll have a video call each month, and in between that you can text/voice note #allthethings that are coming up in Telegram. As things are coming up for you I’ll be there to ask questions, help you release blocks that are showing up, and create resources as needed to help you on your journey. We’ll go deep, it’ll get messy, but you’ll come out the other side with so much clarity and confidence to move in the direction of the life YOU want.

Your investment is $1500

or 3 monthly payments of $500

you’re the perfect fit for breathing fresh air if…

❤️‍🔥 You are ready to say HELL YES to a life that lights you up from the inside out

❤️‍🔥 You are ready to stop feeling like you are living for other people’s demands and schedules and prioritize YOU and your own joy

❤️‍🔥 You are ready to do the work that will allow you to feel more spaciousness, joy, energy, and delight in your life

I know what you might be thinking - “But Indigo I don’t have the time to do this work, even if I want that spaciousness in my life”

Often when we feel like it is the most inconvenient time to do something, that is a sign we need to do the thing. I remember in yoga class one time my teacher saying that when I felt like I had no time for yoga was when I needed to practice it the most.

Nothing is going to change if nothing changes, right? And I fully hear you that it seems impossible to shake things up right now with everything that’s currently on your plate. But when your’e in the thick of it is actually an amazing time to stop and say okay, this isn’t working. How the heck do I change it?

i want you to feel spaciousness and joy consistently after we breathe fresh air into your life together

By the end of our time together you will have:

🌈 Insight into your unique energetic rhythms and how to work with them

🌈 Confidence following your curiosity and sparks of joy

🌈 Room to breathe in your daily schedule

🌈 Started to refill your energetic cup so you aren’t running on fumes

I also love Taylor Swift, reading and writing poetry, sci-fi (beam me up Scotty!), freshly brewed coffee, sitting in the sun, the feeling of ocean water lapping my ankles, ACOTAR, laughing so hard I cry, inside jokes, playing video games with friends, cozying up under a blanket during thunderstorms

oh hi btw, i’m indigo

As a workaholic-overachieving human (who has been a service provider since 2014), I’ve been burned out many times.

The worst time, though? I had to go to the emergency room.

I had a cold and worked through it, because there were deadlines to meet and my clients had BIG projects that I didn’t want to hold up by taking a few days off to recover from being sick.

Six weeks later… I literally could not breathe. So I went to the emergency room, and it turned out that working through my cold led it to turn into bronchitis, and I got orders from the doctor to not do ANYTHING for about two weeks.

That was a wake-up call for me, and I vowed to never get so burned out that I ended up in the hospital again.

Over the years since that emergency room visit I have intentionally stripped the layers of “should” and hustle from my life so that I am able to live a very intentional life with joy and spaciousness as the priority.

And now, I want to bring this knowledge to you.

Because I know what it’s like to be in that state of never feeling like you have enough time, but there is too much to do. Of how looking at your calendar and your to do list makes you feel defeated before you even get started.

I also know what it’s like on the other side - to have white space in your calendar, and be able to take naps when your body asks for them. (Or go to lunch with a friend, or binge the newest show on Netflix that has your interest).